First Aid is located on level one near Hall A3 entrance.
Is there coat check?
Is there coat check?
Yes, there is coat/bag check. It’s located in front of the Sydney Marcus Auditorium.
How can I access the WiFi?
How can I access the WiFi?
The WiFi sponsor for 2019 NMSDC Conference + BOE is T-Mobile.
Network: NMSDCConference19
Password: TMobileMagenta
Is there an after party?
Is there an after party?
Yes! Monday, Oct. 14th at 9 pm there will be a Dessert After Party in the 3rd Level Park Lounge.
Is there a Shuttle Bus Service?
Is there a Shuttle Bus Service?
Shuttle transportation will be provided between the official conference hotels and the Georgia World Congress Center, as well as the evening special events. Please visit the mobile app for details.
How do I download the event app?
How do I download the event app?
Go to your app store and download CrowdCompass. Search for NMSDC.
Where is Lost and Found?
Where is Lost and Found?
NMSDC Conference Lost and Found is located in the Volunteer Center room A311.
Where can I charge my phone and laptop?
Where can I charge my phone and laptop?
Charging stations can be found at the NMSDC Tech Bar powered by Manpower Group.